"Official" unemployment runs at 9.2%. We all know that "official" unemployment is another LIE THE GOVERNMENT TELLS US.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics knows, but it pains them to admit, the true number of "Screwed Over." It buries them in the mass grave of a footnote: “discouraged workers,” (people so depressed, desparate and downtrodden that they have given up looking for work. Given up on life, really) the beautifully obfuscatory phrase “all other marginally attached workers” (in fact unemployed but still looking on the days that they can drag themselves, hopelessly, out of the house they're being evicted from) and “employed part-time for economic reasons” ("I can only flip burgers 15 hours a week, but I might come close to paying the bills if I had 40.") The REAL NUMBER is 16.1% although I'm forced to admit that things are getting better. It was 16.8% in July 2010. See, there was a recovery.
These are the times that try men's souls.
They took your job. They took your house. No matter that you worked hard all your life. That you believed in America. The American Dream. The money you were saving for retirement--gone. You're kids will never be able to go college--their lives are going to be even harder than yours is.
Saying government was the problem--the only problem--they gutted anything connected to government that you need to in order to try, to try, to survive. Government runs the buses? Government is evil! Cut the buses. The Common Man can walk to that next grueling, groveling job interview--if he's the one lucky enough to be called of the million applicants who put in for that job, that is.
Blankfein, Cayne--Hank Paulson--Dick Fuld--The Koch Brothers: They'll just take the private jet.
Save the Great American Middle Class!
Middle Class Tax Cut Now!
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